24K beauty bar
從香港帶回來給客人用的24K beauty bar. 化妝前用來按摩面部5分鐘,有緊致提升功效! 每分鐘6000次的微震動可打通臉部淋巴和促進血液循環,即時可看到緊緻提升的效果,同時可減淡細紋、收細毛孔、改善惱人的黑眼圈、眼腫問題。
Bonnie is a London based Chinese makeup artist with 9 years experience in makeup and hair styling in bridal and fashion industry.
She is experienced in Chinese/ Oriental bridal makeup and hair. Her 'Signature look' is natural and flawless make up which enhance a woman's features and feels like the most beautiful version of herself.
來自香港的 倫敦化妝師 Bonnie , London Chinese makeup artist , Chinese makeup artist , Oriental makeup artist
來自香港的 倫敦化妝師 Bonnie , London Chinese makeup artist , Chinese makeup artist , Oriental makeup artist